Had one of my fathers neighbors call up, he's getting some trees cut would I like the wood? Heck yes! We arrived to find a pile of 7-9ft peices all ready to cut up. I'm pretty sure this is hickory, can anyone confirm? Wanted to make it all in one trip, so we stacked everything in the trailer instead of throwing it in like usual. Ended up with a heavy load. Stopped at a local scale, weighed in at 20,260lbs. With the truck at 7k and the trailer 3k, that leaves me with 5 ton of wood!
Wow Bryan, you lucked out. Oh, and, you're a member of the "You Suck Club" now. It's a good thing. Nice job getting all that in one load, and that's a nice trailer. I'd nickname it, Dumpy.
Nice load of wood. I like your dump trailer. What I meant to say was, I am jealous that you have a dump trailer. That has to save time.
Um. Could I borrow your trailer? LOFL Nice work. You should be a little sore in different spots tomorrow and next day.
Fantastic, not free, you are working hard for that wood. The important thing is that you have it. Could be a whole winter's heat there.
Very nice score. Hickory makes it a double great score ! ! The dump trailer puts you very close to being in the "spoiled class" See a few big one on there, I'd have to roll them on. Gotta be well over 150# . Watch you're back
That's a fantastic haul man lots of BTUs There is something wrong with that trailer it's not in my driveway
Is this the official, "I'm jealous of your dump trailer thread," because I'm jealous of your dump trailer.
Thanks everyone for the comments. I can't take all the credit, it's not my trailer but a good friends. Trying to buy it from him though! It's a 12k trailer, so we had it maxed and then some! It just uses a regular 2 5/16 ball hitch. Bogydave, a few of those pieces were huge, rolled them over and took 2 of us to throw them in. Stickbender - we knew it was a heavy load and were just curious what it weighed. There is a local grain company with a scale on the way back to the house, throw them a couple bucks and they are happy to weigh your truck.