Water oak doesn't last as long as red oak, log form...and the center was already a little punky...guess we're being wood SNOBS now......I remember the times when it would have been brought home...I'm short on time, long on wood...
Had nice weather and I was off yesterday, so we went back to the pines again. Checking the holding wood... Measuring the logs Taking a break Headed for the drop zone... Kubota getting it done Got 2 loads hauled, another 12.5 tons...
Yes sir. Some nice ones. Wish there was a pine sawmill close. Chip mill is about 6 miles from where we're cutting. Our timber buyer tried to find a mill for us. Have to be Master Timber Harvester to go to the big mills, the small mill he found had plenty of pine.
We only hauled 1 load yesterday, loaded what we had cut ahead Wed, then dropped 2 more to finish it... Our son came over to help awhile, we had several we had to pull with the cable... And the pollen is just beginning...notice the yellow cloud in the air... 32" bar on the MS461 He is a bit more nimble for climbing the totes...lol...he hooked the strap and cable on the trees...and he helped pull the trees while I was cutting. Had the cable on as insurance, but actually used 2 wedges to turn this one... Got the bar pinched on this one, moved some limbs, then got the log loose... Voyne and the JD waiting in a safe spot. He has been a big help keeping limbs and smaller logs moved... Our son and I taking a quick break... Getting trees limbed and bucked Hopefully be back at it Monday
That's going to be a completely different place with all those trees gone. Wonder if they will have any regrets? Your work looks terrific!
Thanks for the compliment. One regret is no more free pine straw... They will probably have to figure out new plants... At least the gutters may stay cleaner, we clean those out for them, have to use 10' ladder...
The chip mill...it's about 6 miles from where we're cutting... Monday was very windy, so it was a haul day. Glad we had some cut ahead. Got 5 loads delivered We were into the big logs on the 4th load. We had to load these a different way, not gonna let it defeat us... They average over a ton each... Last load of the day, we had cleared some blowdowns and piled them and another windy day... Kubota is working Had a few left... Tuesday morning was calm, so we loaded those logs first, then dropped the remaining tree on the right side of driveway That XS4910 that huskihl built is one mean saw that will get it done in a hurry...my favorite limbing and bucking saw... Needed another tree to make a load, so we started on the left side of driveway...yep, pollen is alive and well... Dropped it across the driveway into the cleared area...MS461 os our felling saw. It's a shame for these logs to go for chips...wish we could get them to Sawdust Man Those 2 trees on the trailer...8 logs, 15'3" or more. Trees were 70-75' tall. That load weighed 5.08 tons. We needed a smaller tree to finish out the other load, we found one in the back next to a brush pile...had to give it a nudge away from house/powerline Last load of the day... Best we could count, on right side of driveway, we cut 24-25 trees and we have cleared some blowdowns. We have hauled 12 loads, totaling 74.28 tons so far... With my work schedule, it will be little more than a week till we can cut again.
Oh man, I'd love to have a couple loads of those nicer logs to mill! Looking good Jeff From my view if looks like you lack tongue weight on some of your loads, is that just an optical illusion?
Not an illusion, 12' trailer, logs are mostly 15'...we just drive slow... It crazy how that trailer is ... cut 12' logs, heavy load, it won't dump. But dumps these loads fine. Didn't know when we bought it, that later we would have a F250 and need to haul longer logs. We got what the F150 could handle.