30* and 61* we got another dusting overnight as we have for the last few nights. Burning a mix of small rounds to get the temp up inside.
64F in the house this morning. Nice warm day on tap today so not much heat is needed for the house. Lit off a small fire of chunklies before heading to work. With warm temps this week and what looks to be moderating temps through March, we're hoping that we can just finish off the chunklie pile from the uglies box and be done for the season. We'll probably have to do a few more fires with full splits, but we're gonna try and minimize that.
Last nights load included. 4.5 year CSS Black Birch. I put the date/weight on a few as I stack. Kept under cover, primo, no rot. Shoulder season is here. Been letting the fire go out during the day and firing bank up at night. Probably give that up pretty soon.
I too burnt some 4 yr old cut, split stacked Black Birch a few weeks ago when it was really cold. Like you experienced, no rot, primo stuff. Too good for shoulder season, will save the rest of the face cord for next winter's cold weather.
Well it hit 60 today I still need some heat so I put in a small load and it hit 82 inside when I was sitting on John All of a sudden the air conditioner fired up