Reminds me of the roll-around scaffolding we used while hanging stars from the gym ceiling for the high school prom... I was the only dummy who would climb up there while my buddies rolled me around the gym... usually way too fast... We got 'er done! Safety first!!! LOL
Do you have management? Is that why the chair is there on the right side? Or is it for taking in the scenery of the rounds?
A little of both, she manages me and makes sure the rounds look good...I heard about the couple that weren't straight on the ends...I explained I didn't cut those...
Cleaned up a bit Monday afternoon... Got a tote over 3/4 full of kindling to dry We had been using this wood shed for storage since the spring of '24. Got stuff moved and the end wall put up to stack the first couple rows of wood against... Found some big lag bolts, made a spot to hang dump trailer sides on another shed... Moved splitter and logs Tuesday morning, going to fill it up again
It was windy and cold Thursday morning, so we loaded up the tractor and went to Beverly...The Plantation, that is...... The friend that has given us plenty of logs before, had some trees taken down close to his house. He had the guy cut them 16.5' and gave them to us... Sweet gum and water oak went to chip mill...5.03 tons... Saved 2 straight red oak logs from that load and cleaned up some other oak we had cut earlier...