Ya know the more obsessed and downright crazy you act the more wood they’ll let you hoard, just sayin
I did throw a comment out the other day. "Hey, that place on FB that had that oak near work...he finally replied. I'm trying to set something up for Friday after work." I said it as I was going out the door. Didn't stick around to see her comment.
That’s a start. Now you want to work up to a sweet score that involves crossing state lines. When she asks how long you’ll be gone just tell her that depends on how many trips you make in any 24 hour period,,,,,you’ll have a more accurate answer in 3-4 days. It’s at this point anything you do wood related will no longer receive a reply of any sort. True freedom LOL
I think it starts to become a problem when you can’t go a day without thinking about getting more wood, and you already have 40 cord…. Hi, my name is Ike, and I have a wood hoarding problem. Seriously though, money in the bank, even if your bank account is empty. At least you won’t be cold. If I ever move, the wood goes too…..I don’t care how many semi loads it is!!! Wood wifeys usually enjoy helping at least a little. Mine likes to go with to wood scores and help load and remind me to drink something. She runs the splitter and helps stack the wood too. She is VERY good at keeping the house warm! Have to have plenty of wood for winter. Don’t stop hoarding. There is nothing wrong with mountains of firewood. Check out this old photo.