Been working on my best friends car ( he passed unexpectedly last April and his family gave me his car) It was not in great shape, maintenance wasn't his thing. So far change oil/manual trans oil Distributor, wires ,plugs, set valve lash,throttle position sensor, cleaned EGR ports. Did all that fighting a random missfire at low throttle. The EGR ports was the real fix.VTEC solenoid, deleted all the EVAP BS on this car and deleted ac system I don't like ac , fixed some ground cables,radiator thermostat, thermostat housing, been fighting coolant leak at Thermo housing for a week now but finally resolved that And put new cat back factory style exhaust on. Runs like new now 164k miles I hope this car lasts another 30 yrs. It's a 94
Nice job! Were you eating a sandwich while working? Looks like a piece of BBQ pork on the motor in the first picture.
Haha, pretty sure a mouse had dragged a walnut up in there,we live by a 60acre field so get lots of meeses. Back when I wrenched for a living (thank God I don't do that now) I ate while wrenching every day. Worst tasting is coolant and brake fluid always hated to get them on my food
Customer comes in w/ 2 blown woofers, replaced w/ new. Good lawd, sweep your vehicle once in a while!!!
Did Bilstein warrantee those? I had a set go bad on our old Jeep Grand Cherokee. Ordered a new set from them sent them back the old ones, they tested them then refunded the cost of the new ones. Granted, I had replaced the OEMs with Bilsteins and still had the paperwork.
Those were original to the truck, it’s an 07. They served their time and are off to a better place. Lol. I put the 5100’s on my truck years ago. Also put them in our Jeep when we had it. Highly recommend if you are in need. Amp and sub in a customers car today.