Red oak almost entirely with just a little white oak. Mostly storm damage trees that fall on our mountain biking trails
Yesterday milled a down poplar into some 3x5’s Today those became more wood storage racks under cover. Previously had been using pallets under this covered area, but wanted something a little neater. This is 2026’s firewood here.
Yesterday was more red and white oak movement Took down a dead of each (didn’t get pictures of the pile of white) and got it bucked and split to the drying crib stacks. Moved a load back to the house storage area that was standing dead for two years before drying out doors for one. Measuring 15% moisture in the center and will be ready for the 2025/2026 season. Jotul running in the 22 degree cold this morning. Oh, and I found the perfect shirt
I'm ramping up to start working on 2031/2032's firewood. Being I'm stored up almost 7 years ahead. I've got a big pile of oak, apple, and locust here at the house including the tops from three black locusts we took down yesterday, and I've got a big haul coming up soon with the removal of several white oaks and hickories. That should nearly totally replace what I burned over this past winter, which was around 5 cord thus far and I expect to burn another full cord +.
February and March is the time of year I cut. For the last 20 years or so. What I am working on now will be used in 28' I always get a kick out of hearing saws running in the fall when I am hunting. Knowing the wood will be burned that winter. Lot of house fires around here to prove it too.