There is another thread I made on some log length I got delivered. I asked for all oak and I'm not complaining because this stuff was stockpiled for a while, but can anyone ID this wood? I know I've seen it posted here but don't remember what it might be. Red maple? In one split that is not pictured the heartwood had some purple. In some ways it reminds me of poplar. I'm hoping it's not poplar. I may just keep it separated because with my luck in four years when I burn it we'll have another winter like this one and I like the BTU's oak give over red maple. Anyway, what's your guess? The second image is one weathered end compared to a fresh cut piece.
Give it a sniff. Looks like Black Walnut. The sapwood seems to be a bit thicker than it should be, though.
I thought the sapwood looked a little thick for walnut, I wouldn't know what walnut smells like. I did torch some of the chips because I thought I smelled hickory when cutting buts after burning it, it's not hickory either
Walnut, the thick sapwood might be from branches vs trunk sections. Usually save for furniture, but burns great