He took it. We dug into two rows to find the driest. “We need a cleanup on aisle one please”. I have a mess. We checked about 25 pieces. Half above 20 half below 20. He is happy. Even had to air up all four tires on his truck. The things we must do for a little beer money!
Good on you for going the extra mile. I wouldve done the same. The things us sellers do to keep customers and keep customers happy.
Did a half cord deliver Sunday morning. That gave me time to get some things cleaned up around the wood yard and let me take a nice walk in the woods since it was sunny and 46 which felt spring like.
How is the mud factor down there Joe? I was pushing the wheelbarrow thru mud here yesterday. Not fun.
No real mud to speak of as of Sunday morning. I'm sure there's plenty of it now though but I'm not doing anything with firewood this week...or so I hope.
I have nothing on the books Deposited the Ben stack yesterday and going 1 ton dump shopping in Va and Ga over the next couple days If I come home empty handed I’ll be going to Tn. Gotta stay in the south to find something without a see through bed.
No, Jeff saw that one in his county and made the video. He mentioned it had a title issue so that’s probably why it’s still sitting there. I’m driving down to Canton Ga tomorrow to look over a 2016 3500 diesel 4x4 with a 10’ bed. There’s a lot of used 1 ton’s with 9’ mason dumps, but harder to find something with a 10-12’ bed that’s within my budget.
I spent the past weekend skiing at Killington Vermont with 46 high school kids so I was a little preoccupied but I took 6 more orders for firewood. I told them all to reach back out on Monday so I had time to discuss price and logistics. Heard back from every one of them by 7pm last night. Delivering a full cord after school today. We have rain tomorrow so I will work on the rest Thursday-Saturday.