It's a nice day here at 39° north and I am splitting shagbark I had already bucked up in the woods. Large rounds with the biggest at 22 inches. It's heavy and I had to go vertical with the splitter. The wife is operating it though while I move the rounds. The material is still frozen inside and it splits so much nicer when it is.
Is it still a bit stringy? I’ve had some Shagbark split fairly easy and some that was tough and stringy even in cold winter temperatures.
I In for a break. This is I believe the cleanest splitting hickory I have ever worked. Theres frost inside when I split it. It has been down since last april in a wind storm. It came down, hit a 18 inch poplar. Brought it down which hit a 20 inch white pine which came down and hit my house. 8 standing seam roofing panels replaced. 4 sheets of ½" OSB and 4 purlins replaced. The rest of oak frame shook it off like, is that all you got?
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Nice that it split that easily for you. I've had easy and hard splitting hickory. The frozen rounds make a difference.
I have to crop mine a bit or they are too big. this one had to be cropped a bit or it would say error. We are putting in a mezzanine made from home sawn doug fir. The closest joist is a piece of yellow pine that we set in place, but it is coming out. It’s too knotty. The hickory I have split was easy peasy.
More shagbark today. The tree was a Double Leader and the other trunk fell in another wind storm after the first. I am going to try to attach some pictures. Maybe I got this. There should be three pics in the post.
Well maybe I don't have it quite down. Two pics are the same and one came as a thumbnail. I'll keep trying. Theres also a smaller red oak in the picture that was down I worked on too.
So earlier in the thread I had mentioned that the hickory I am working on came down in a storm and was responsible For a tree hitting my house. Hickory felled a poplar that felled a white pine that hit the house. Here is the poplar sitting on the white pine stump. Anyone seen this before?