33. Ash was in overnight. Will burn some old Pine for a few days while I can be around to keep adding here and there. Enjoying these milder temperatures!
Same here during this mild spell. Fire up the furnace in the morning and then that'll be it until the next morning. Dogs really appreciate the 60's for overnight temps!
One of my former employers called that an "ED". Early Departure. He even went so far as to print out a new policy regarding and prohibiting them...........using red ink! It had resulted in absolutely no change. Yeah, he was a micro manager.
Pretty mild around here lately, low to mid 50's hitting almost 60 tomorrow. Haven't had the stove burning much, looking at the forecast looks like shoulder season is on for the next week or so give or take a day here and there.
Finally lost enough heat from this mornings fire to warrant another. Burning small splits of cherry and holey hickory with one larger split of hickory in the back so there're some coals for the reload before bed.