The shop has an interesting piece right now. Sortof a chainsaw. Known as a 'Anchor Cranker'. Used for running power pole guy wire anchors into the ground.
Are you going to port it and put some pink tassels on the ends of the handlebars for a little bling bling?
You know, I didn't ask them what they are supposed to be fixing. I think I saw a throttle cable laying on their counter.
Cleaned up some wind damaged trees along fence line this weekend. Cut a good half cord of mixed hardwood. Cleaned up the Jred this evening.
Definitely. With this in the fleet, I’m thinking of maybe moving the oe346 down the pike after I get it back together. I mean, who really needs multiple saws of the same cc??
Rumor has it buZZsaw BRAD may be interested... I may or may not have been hyping this model up and encouraged him to try my 2150 so he could see for himself
Awesome! I had one once, passed it on to someone who needed it more than I did. I think yours is the first I have seen with a wrap bar.
Even if a saw uses more fuel after porting, they cut so much faster it makes up for it and then some usually.