I am slowly on the mend from a low back injury. With temperatures like this I keep telling myself just enjoy the down time because if it is this cold I wouldn't be doing a lot outside anyway and thankfully it has been too cold to snow and I couldn't shovel anyway.
I feel the same way. I think it gives folks (especially the media) a feel good thing so they can brag how bad the weather is where they live. Media loves it because it blows things out of proportion. Before wind chills, we just knew it was colder in the wind... We also never had polar vortex. We had cold fronts.
I should add that schools never used to close because of an inch or 2 of snow and certainly would not close before a storm hit. Same with the cold. I remember being a bit chilly in some classes but schools did not close.
We got about 3 inches of snow Sunday night and into Monday morning. School was canceled before sunset on Sunday. Another 1-3 inches forecast thru Tuesday and bitter cold temps. No school today (Tuesday) and Wednesday also I think. -7F at 9:00am today and tonight is supposed to be crowding -20F Bunch of softies anymore
I do remember one day school was cancelled due to cold. It was somewhere around 40 to 50 below zero and half the buses wouldn't start. This was before wind chill was invented
I remember the school bus getting stuck in a snow bank at an intersection. All of us kids got off the bus and helped push it out. Hey, we just wanted to get home. If kids did that today that driver would never drive a bus again. Some nasty parent would call the school screaming bloody murder and threatening to sue. We were high school kids. Back then the low IQ kids like Sarasota Tim dropped out instead of being pushed up a grade just to make the system look good, or took the short bus to the special place. Dummies that did stupid sh!t were not on the bus.