My first one. He said it was ash and, as my other thread states, I have no knowledge to disagree. This was at best 1/4 of what was there. Going back on Monday with the trailer for the rest. Feels good to get the first one under my belt!
The truck was squatting pretty good so I thought I better call that good for the first run!! 6.5" box.
Congrats on your first scrounge. May it be the first of many. Split that and it'll be ready for the fall. Some maybe even right away if needed. One nice thing about scrounging dead wood.
And he's off- life will never be the same. You will forever be looking for downed trees wherever you drive.
Anyone have an idea what a truck load like this is in volume once split and stacked. 1/6 of a cord??? Just curious.
Maybe 1/3 of a cord.. My 8' bed F150 when neatly fill with rounds is a half cord when level with the sides. A third of a cord will make a 4x8' stack. If you figure the face area (not volume) it will total 32 square feet. This is known as a face cord. Another common unit of measure for firewood volume. This is of course for 16" long splits.
Unfraternally it won't get split until spring. Going to wait until thaw to put up the wood shed. I don't want to split a bunch of stuff, stack it, only to have to move it again once the shed is up. At least that's what my, "do things once" brain is telling me.
Congratulations !! Length x width x height. I guess your just under 1/3 of a cord . I recommend bucking and splitting asayc. If you get overly hung up on not moving the wood an extra time once in a while you will end up with wet firewood to burn sooner or later . Plus , the deeper rounds freeze, the easier they split when frozen . At 40 below they split real nice .