That was April in NC….. Rented a cabin for a vacay with my Hunee and spring Turkey. Got up the next morning and one was fired up on the same terrace we were on….. it was a beautiful place and a great getaway
Hey dude, I caught you up on the couch again. Clean your fur off of it; I just used the lint roller on it yesterday. Whatever dude
LOL Looks like our house. Fur on the couch. Looks like a towel on the couch with maybe the corner chewed off , yup been there. One shoe on the floor with laces half pulled out , nope not our dogs. Isn't it great. The life of a dog!
A rather a necessity for the long uninhabited distance we drive. There might be still snow on the top of the hill but the rest will be gone by now. Winter is over - maybe.