Down to 14 or so now. Was caught up in watching Fort Apache with Henry Fonda and John Wayne. Boiler was down to 152. At least there was a hot bed of coals. I keep dry kindling and scrap board for these occasions. Tomorrow is another sunny day, but sucky rain on Saturday. threw in some maple splits and an ready to hit tho rack. Sleep warmly Hoarders that is why we do it.
Clouds rolled in last night and starting to warm things up. -6/69. Got a load of Oak in the cabin stove and need to warm up the workshop today with some Maple shorties.
10 degrees and dead calm outside. Smoke from the neightbor's boiler is going straight up for 100+ feet before any wind is catching it. That's pretty unusual for where I live to have absolutely no breeze. Lots of coals under a fresh load of elm and ash.
Oak for the morning restart. Going have to do an ash cleanout after work. Calling for a wintry mix tomorrow. So glad I'll be working in it.
The lacrosse weather station read 0° this am, but 71° inside. Lots of honey locust coals in the stove. I put a couple of splits in this am. Ash and paper birch. It's supposed to get pretty warm today. Like maybe close to freezing? That would be good so I can burn the coal bed down. I do have some fir splits for the wife to reload mid day to help with coal reduction.
Supposed to be in the 20’s today with some snow. The snow forecast keeps going down, so we may not get much. Oak in the stove. Have to empty the ashes.
Here in the Dakotas, we have had terribly low temperatures. We have had a few nights of -20 below or colder. And starting this coming Monday morning, we will have about 96 hours straight with temps below 0°F. The other night, Zealand ND was at -40°F for a morning temp. Zealand is only about 100 miles from me
28/72 ash and cherry cruising along. Rain coming in at about 11 am tomorrow. Hoping to beat the weather front for a couple hours of cutting, have everything in the truck already.
Here comes the next one…… Ash, Elm, and a few Box Alder splits. Depending on where you look, we might get 4-8” of snow by Monday. Or we might get 16-20” by Monday. I’m hoping for 4” or less!
20 out 75 in , Well we got 6 inches of snow the other day Now they are saying 5 to 9 inches Saturday and Sunday then it's going to get colder so The snow is Going to stick around.
20/66 white oak, burrr fell asleep after I got home from work at 10pm and just woke up to a few coals.