There are sooo many rabbits this year! I’m talking about wild ones. They are all over the place. I scared up 3 just getting a load of firewood to bring up to the house. We have a bunch of domestic rabbits as well. Usually between 30-70 at any given time. We had to build another hutch, so out to the wood pile we went to get some wood for a hutch. We milled every piece. I was putting shakes on in the snow with the temp around zero. Now I have to carry it out to the rabbit yard.
Good for you. We used to raise a few rabbits. Good meat. I also was gifted a great recipe for rabbit sausage and ir was wonderful. Sadly I don't remember how I made it and wife's filing system was horrible so can't find it. Also the fellow who gave me tthe recipe is no longer with us. Oh well, I stopped raising animals several years ago.
We carried the hutch out to the rabbit yard with the bobcat and got it put in position. We use christmas lights under the front of the roof for light. It’s a nice glowy light that the rabbits seem to enjoy. They like to stand up on their back legs and look at the lights. This picture is of the hutch next to the one we just built. I tried stapling the lights up on the new one and the insulation blew right off the wires because of the cold. (-20). Good thing I got more lights. Enjoy the pic!
We have a bunch of colors. Agouti (wild color), silver fox, sandy brown, white, black, grey, lavender, and broken mix. The row of hutches is about 80 ft long.