It's good. The saw is only 20 months old. It replaced the same that was about 16 years old and getting very tired. It had cut a lot but still fires up fine. Something went wrong in the carb of the new one. I will post my results with the replacement after I get it on. It is supposed to be here today of tomorrow.
The new carb is on and the saw fired right up and runs well. The new carb had a tube for the primer bulb Stihl doesn't use and I used a short piece of the hose that came with it and plugged it with a screw to block it off. I am counting this as a win for me but it could have easily not worked out. You have to be careful getting cheap china parts from Amazon. Thanks to all that responded to my thread.
That's terrific! I've noticed the quality is getting better. I replaced the carb on my Arctic Cat ATV with a clone off of ebay. It works perfectly. Definitely better than five years ago!