No, a friend bought it and yes it looks brand new. I tried out a 346 and 357, but did not buy. There was a mint 046, but it was NFS.
I’ve never had any in my stacks. I have a few on my property. It took a while to cut what I thought was all the thorns off. Then I got a thorn to my hand. Face shield required. I’ll let you know how it burns in 10 years.
No wild honeylocust here but I do have a little in my stacks that came from an ornamental tree. On Thursday I had a load in the stove that I put in at 12:30 PM, and at 7 AM on Friday there were still enough hot coals to get a fire going again.
How long did you dry it? Seriously under rated in my book. How would you compare it with BL, SBH, MB, & WO?
It’s comparable to white oak and black locust I’d say. The others don’t last as long IME but are still good. This is the HL that you gave me back in the fall of 2021 I believe.
I just brought in some honey locust chunks that have been top covered since split, so about 2 years. It's churning out the btu's and leaving a really dense pure white ash. I'll have to get a pic. So far, I really like it. Too early to judge though, this is the first time I've burned it.
It’s a tank handle guard. There’s a few sellers on eBay, they are inexpensive and I like them on my saws. It protects the fuel tank and bottom of the saw if it’s dropped or hit.
It's a favorite of mine. I have a few around the yard areas. I will usually cut one or two down every couple of years with goal of removing all eventually (dozen or so left). The splits when dry give the satisfying 'bonk' like dead elm does.