Let the fire go out this morning. Came home to 68 inside as we got to 50 today. And it’s currently 51 @ 11p. Heat wave? I did just light up with a mix of BL and CO to keep the chill away. Got a bunch of rain today which will just add to the muddy mess we have now. Really dislike the slop. Still using 21-24” splits.
11/75 elm. It will be 10 years in March that I've been retired and I can't imagine working for someone else again.
The day I retire I'll just lay on the embalming table at work and say get on with it. I'll be that old... The last few days I've been burning a mix of wood. Have some oak splits that are not impressing me. Plenty dry, just not lighting off like I thought they would.
Believe it or not, I can remember the exact same conversation. I was on lunch with a group of workers on a job site. Harsh conditions (winter-go figure) and guys were talking about how long they had until retirement. One of them asked me and when I answered 13 years, instead of laughing they said you'll be surprised just how fast the time goes. You could hear the condescending tone in their replies..... But, now that you are there, it really does seem to fly! Don't miss those days at all!
18° this am when I got up and rechooched. Ash, Cherry and paper birch. House was 68° Now it's 22° out and 71° inside
That's my plan too. It's just the winter that isn't great here, were not even getting snow regularly enough to go snowmobiling up the the Northwoods of WI now. I'd rather be on a boat down south at worst for those couple of months if regular snow up here isn't a thing. Do the loop on a boat etc.
I'm too many years out to be starting any count. I have thought about talking to our retirement planner at work. Does that count?
Yes. That counts. When I retire I will NOT stop working and being very active. I’ll just be working on what I want to! Making money when I want to. And hanging out with my adult children when I want to. And wrestling with my Grandkids when I want to. And …….