Back at it today. 54F here. Put a new chain on the Husky last night and she really roared! Found a buck rub on an 8 inch tree. Got 30 rounds out of this oak. Another oak provided 32 nice rounds. Those two were on the ground since July. This oak broke off and wedged between the stump and a small hackberry. Only the top touched the ground. And a whole bunch still upright. It proved difficult to ground. Every time I started the saw to clear ground brush, I would shut it down and just think. Not worth getting hurt over. I finally just started whittling on each end with many stops to read what I was seeing. I won. 42 rounds and I am still breathing. I don’t like doing these but it worked out. The Stihl gets a new bar and chain tomorrow.
My buddy who logged the thirty black walnuts got paid. The bids were between $32K and $40K. I think he got 5 bids. They are going to Dubuque Iowa this week. Not all profit though as he hired two men to cut and drag them to a location the semis can load. He didn’t tell me what he paid the fellers. He is happy. I don’t understand the “HVBW” sentiment here on the forum. If one can grow them to 22 to 24 inches DBH here in So Wis with no metal they really are valuable. I must be missing something. I’ve done well selling BW veneer overs the years,,,
focus on the ones NOT grown to 22 to 24 inches, full of metal and the clowns who think they have something
I asked my buddy how did you decide which black walnut to cut? He said it was easy a retired DNR guy at his church told him to “hug them”. What? The guy told him to hug every walnut you own and paint every tree for harvest that are as big or bigger when your fingertips touch. Anything where your fingertips over lap leave them be. Pretty simple eh?
No cutting here today I just split. I had my two weapons of wood destruction and a water bottle. I didn’t drink the water fast enough. It was 18F here at noon. These rounds have only been here two days and a turkey left a calling card likely from its perch. Oak sure splits nice when frozen and today it was. It was a rare event to hit a round twice. Kinda satisfying. another fine day in da woods
I really enjoy splitting by hand when the wood is suitable. This past fall I got tired of beating on the old gnarly knotty stuff that the maul bounces off of the first half dozen times, and finally got a hydraulic splitter in the interest of saving what's left of my old shoulder joints. In good wood I can outpace the splitter easily, but it sure is nice to have as backup! Fine photos, thank you!
Roger that. Look at the leaf litter on the forest floor. All red oak! No white oaks in this part of my woods. Living white oak splits like elm a battle to the end. Red oak from a woods with nice straight grain and frozen is a delight to split. Some of splits look like I band sawed em! Just nice square chunks of future heat.
Welcome to the FHC Woodtroll Great to have you. If I just cut wood for myself i'd never own a hydro but once you use one its hard to go back to swinging an axe.
Finished hand splitting all that I had cut. Guess I better get the saws sharpened and blow gunned. Still no snow to stop me. I was surrounded by woodpeckers doing their thing. My trees must have a lot of bugs in them. This pile was from the one tree I cut 42 rounds out of. Must admit I was getting tired that means many rounds needed many hits. I got through it. Pretty sure my wrists are going to be speaking to me in the morning. Oh well.
Myself, I'm kinda glad that there is snow all over da place here. Prevents me from doing stuff like the pics above!
My bro in law just told me he finally got paid for his 41 black walnut. His check was $32,800. His logs were considerably smaller DBH than my buddy’s from Brooklyn but most important “the wife is satisfied” unquote
Spent the day up at our cabin. I had a burn pile that required 2 inches of snow cover before I could light it. Win! She’s gone. Then I went to the local gun shop and had a double win! Happy birthday to me. A Colt Diamondback in 22LR and a cheapo Italian derringer also 22LR. When our forces invaded Saddam Hussein’s compound they discovered the old boy collected Diamondbacks. A rather extensive collection I’ve read. Wonder who has them now as he does not need em anymore.