Just did some bundles. Outside for a couple hours not too bad. No wind. The wind chill is what I don't like. Yes the snow makes it more annoying.
Brad when is the upgraded splitter journey going to begin? Just this month I went down this path. Like with everything thing else, I wondered why it took me so long to upgrade. I have a wore out will hardly run Champion 27 ton and less than year old exact model replacement. Figured a good known parts machine would be useful. I picked up a 48 hour used Timberwolf TW-5HD. The speed it splits will buy back time. It’s really nice not having to hold a round in place to get the split started. Not having to catch either half. It had a hydraulic log lift, 2 and 6 way hydraulic lift wedges and a big table behind/under the wedge to catch splits. The 6 way lifts high enough to act as a 4 way for 8” or less rounds. With all the big hardwood rounds you get. A log lift is a god send. Save what left of our older backs. In high school I was the gopher for my uncles roofing crew. Only one who could stand up straight enough to carry bundles up the ladder. That back really appreciates this log lift. The difference from going from a Fiskers to the splitter is not a big of leap as jumping up to the commercial splitter. If you continue with the one you have, either build a movable work table (U shaped) or a metal attached one. On YouTube check out Willie’s Firewood, he has a brand new custom Allwood. It has what they are calling a resplit table—genius! I have a fabricating buddy that about to pick up some work modding mine.
I checked out the video and that machine looks faster than EM’s and WR splitters. The resplit table is a good idea. I bet Andrew from Eastonmade is kicking himself for not coming up with that idea first.
I actually spoke with the Super split owner the day before Christmas about an electric unit. No log lift but a lot faster. Honestly I don't split a lot at a time. I prefer a rack to empty then I'll fill it from the rounds inventory.
I can hear the crack of the wood when splitting in those temps just looking at that picture. At least there is no mud!
Yes. I HATE MUD! Im loving the no mud Winter for a change. Last Winter was very rainy and too wet IIRC. Little rough on the hands with dry skin and cold air but I'm surviving.
I split with the YardMax splitter for one tank today and set a new record of 4hrs on one tank. A lot of the time I was thinking about the commercial splitters y'all were talking about. As my single wedge goes slowly back and forth. Then I called myself a big baby and shook it off. If I was dealing with the cords of wood you folks deal with every year I would think seriously about it. If the weather is good this winter and spring, I could get into double digit cords of wood. This is a one-off year as I'm trying do as much clearing as I can to eliminate wildfire fuel.
Honestly I do just fine with the generic splitter. If I was really pressed for time I'd invest in a nice commercial one. I may buy another just to have so it can travel as needed for on site splitting or maybe a paying job. 4 hours is great for a tank full. I'm always surprised how long it goes before it runs out. Ive never really timed it. Mine has a Predator motor from Harbor Freight.
I have split with the 5-6.5 hp splitters my whole life until now. Wood for my place and my Dads I never needed anything better. I can see where the line is with time vs productivity. Anymore than 10-20 cords a year split a log lift and at least a 4 way wedge is a game changer. Add a conveyor, tractor and dump trailer will make you wonder why one waited so long.
You may be in an area that you can buck and/or split someone’s wood for them. Or mount a vertical splitter to your lumber rack so you can split vs saw those big rounds you get.
Yes a vertical splitter on your lumber rack. If you’ve ever seen a serious ice fisherman with a gas auger mounted on his snow machine.
Load #4 cut today. All beech. With cold and snow cover I haven't felt like cutting here. 4-5 more rounds off the big trunk and a couple off another log. I ended up only making one noodle cut first then bucking. Freed up the halves then noodled down to size. Nicked the ground once with the 28" bar while bucking. Split the load off the truck and stacked until I bumped into the temporary stack near it and it toppled. Still lots left. Probably at least three more loads of beech alone. Ill be back there soon.
Last load yielded just over a half cord. All the wood has been processed from the first four loads. Time to hit the score again. Maybe Friday or Saturday.