I'm trying get our stuff ready to do some firewood cutting soon. I have two Husky's, a new edition 346XP (50cc) and a 365 X-Torq (w/transfer slot mod. if it matters). On the 346, I've always used Husky H21 chains (.325", .058", 72 DL). On the 365, I've always used Husky H48 (3/8", .058", 84 DL). I've been really happy with the H21 and H48 chains. I've never used the newer X-Cut chains. Would they be worth trying or should I just stick with the chains I've been using? If they are worth trying, what would the equivalent X-Cut chains be? Can I use the same bars I'm currently using? Thanks, NYH1.
I have an X-cut on my 460 Rancher. It seems to stay sharp a lot longer than other Husky chains I have used. I was so happy with it I bought another.
I've been running full chisel Oregon on my Husky but recently bought a couple xcuts, haven't used them yet.
I bought some x-cut for my ms362 and Makita 7900. Stihl chain is better than X-cut but to me the price of stihl chain is bonkers. I would buy X-cut over Oregon any day. I bought mine from Husqvarna X-Cut Chain I think you have to spend $200 before shipping is free otherwise shipping is spendy. Their prices on x cut chain is reasonable, 2/3 the price I’ve seen the chain go for retail.
I have used x-cut for several years and I like it. It sharpens like any other chain. After a couple sharpenings with a round file the extended beak is gone and it’s like typical chisel.
My preferences are Stihl chains (100% agree with the sentiment that the price tag on them is bonkers) then either Archer or Husky X Cut, then Oregon.
So, would X-Cut C35 be the chain for our 346 (.325", .058", 72 DL)? And X-Cut C85 be the chain for our 365 (3/8, .058" 84 DL)? Sorry for all the questions. We've been using the same chains for so long and we haven't kept up with all the newer stuff out there now. All we've ever used on our MS400C is 33RS (3/8, .050", 72 DL). Those chains work really well for us as well. Thanks again guys, NYH1.
I can't help much because I'm in the same boat. Chain models have all changed and I'm out of date too. I tried two new loops of Oregon LPX last year and I wasn't impressed. It didn't hold an edge like the LP I've been using for the last ten years and it stretched more than I'm used to. I might have to try some Husky chain. Stihl chain has always been great but it's hard to justify the price.
I highly recommend the Duke's chain from Sawsalvage.com. It has the same top plate profile as the Husky X cut chain (very aggressive out of the box). I've ran many loops of the X cut and many loops of the Duke's chain. I'd say the Duke's chain is just as good and cheaper to buy.
I want to be able to walk into a local store/shop and buy chains if I need too. The only reason I buy/order Amsoil Saber Oil, is because most 2 stroke oils give me a migraine. The Amsoil doesn't. Thanks, NYH1.
I run the Stihl RS chains on everything I have, including the two Huskies I recently got rid of and my 550xp.
I was thinking of trying husky chain but I have had great luck with Carlton witch is slowly replacing the laser chain I have
I think there have been some recent advances made in cutter design and the alloys being used. Husky decided to take their chain manufacturing "In-House" probably because they determined they can build better chain than the can buy from Oregon.