Not sure this is the right forum for this but it is cooking related. I have a big pot of collards simmering on top of the wood stove this morning. Making the house smell good. Is anyone else slow cooking anything on their stove today or this past weekend?
Not recently but we do use it for cooking from time to time. One of our favorite things is foil packets of whatever in the coals; lets see: sliced chicken with peppers and onions makes great fajitas, Kielbasa with sauerkraut and onions works well and don't forget the baked potato which is always good.
Well isn't this something. I just started a pot of Chix - soup myself. Cold and windy here. Good night for it. Chicken and Barley. it seems to hold up better than rice or pasta. Just waiting for it. And a little crusty bread on the side.
Reheated some spaghetti, with some crusty garlic bread. Cinnamon toast cake mix and apple dump cake for desert.
Must be a weather thing. Soup , crusty bread , and now cinnamon buns. Cinnamon buns from the cardboard tube and a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side for desert here. Then to couch by the fire. I will be sleeping like a dog.
It was cold today so I threw some beans on the stove. No picture of cooking the pig but two kinds of bacon, for the pork part of the beans. Quick bread in the regular oven. Cooked for an army today so it’ll reach into the week a ways. There’s gotta be more folks cooking on the wood burners. Owl
No not here. But I am not going to say no. You have beans and cheese on a burrito , why not. You have the veggie , meat and cheese. No need to wash a second plate.
Cheese is second only to bacon as the root of everything good in this life. So both are covered here. If it was standard pork and beans, the cheese would be on the bread. This next weekend I’m eyeing a couple pork shanks. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? Owl
Working goofy and long hours the last few weeks. Even with left overs, haven’t been eating real great. Today vegetables sounded really good and I don’t say that often. Early off this morning so a couple pork shanks in the pot on the stove to cook while a snooze happened, then extra heavy on the veggies. Got a little salty so the mushrooms will take care of that. Turned out extra good tonight. No reason the stove can’t pull double duty. What’s cooking hoarders? Owl