I know this doesn't compare to some of you but for me..... It's cold with 15-20 mph winds 27/70. Red oak and hickory My name is Mike, and I'm a hoarder.
Still sick. Son is better and wife is improving. Mother in law is starting to improve a bit. I have no voice, kind of a sore throat, coughing up yellow goo, and still some potty time. Not cool. We had some really nice weather this week and all I could do was look out the window. I did fire up the bobcat last night and load some firewood for my brother and clear some snow before the sub zero temps hit. It probably set me back another day. I scared something out of the stack when I scooped the first bucket load. I saw it through the dirty bobcat window, so hard to tell exactly what it was, but it was dark brown, long, and slender. Didn’t see much for a tail, so either long and thin or pulled up against back. It was hopping like a finessed frog, so I am thinking a rat. My wife insists it was a squirrel, but I am not so sure. Squirrels have more pizzaz in their jumps than that. I found two tracks in the snow, but it was packed, so no tail mark or and real details. I have seen a red squirrel out there a lot, so maybe that was it. I sure hope so. supposed to be stupid cold for a few days. Take off maybe 10° because it gets colder here than in town.
I went on a Farm and Fleet run early this morning so I didn’t clean out the stove or start a fire. I was in a hurry. MISTAKE By the time I got home the LP furnace was running. That made me &§€£¥]}…~**@#%! I feel better now. 17F out 67F in red oak and walnut
33 now and dropping. Small chance of snow tonight, which will be a mild evening compared to tomorrow. Red oak and tulip poplar keeping us warm. I'm spreading ag lime on my 1acre food plot tomorrow in preparation for seeding in mid Feb.
Little cold snap happening here right now. 19 outside on a clear night with a steady 74 inside. Supposed to get colder over the next few days. Stay warm hoarders. Owl
Can’t wait to get back into some cherry. This black locust doesn’t smell as good. Beautiful fire! Still burning chestnut oak. Some pieces barely fit in my firebox. Im down to 2 rows left in the basement, nearest being the BL. 33/74 15 hours of snow on the way. The ground is so wet here frost heave is going to be atrocious. Stay warm hoarders.
It’s butt cold here. Stove is cruising. It’s warm in the house but you can feel the cold air returning to the stove on the floor. Lots of btu’s leaving the house this week.
14/63. I let the fire die down last night. Cleaned the stove and started some hickory to warm things up.
I'm going to put a garbage can piled high with black locust chunks in the attached garage to feed the stove during the day this week.
25/70 not quite as cold overnight as predicted. Ash reload shortly. A couple inches of snow expected before the big chill.