Didn't get out of the 20s today, also had some wind. Not too pleasant. Black locust doing the job. Setting aside some big logs and uglies for next week. Calling for high of 15 and low of 4 next wed.
10/71 just put some nice splits of sugar maple and ash on big bed of ash coals. Just about to turn on the cruise control.
30 white oak Schools re opening today after last Fridays snow. Yesterday on my way home from a wood delivery I saw a car hit a slick spot in a shady curve and wreck. More cold and snow in the forecast.
It’s 3. I was out at 05:00. Whatever looked like it might burn went into the boiler, then I got my cold person back inside. Wife in a sleep comatose state, so I went into the office and am stsy8ng her. temps supposed to be 49 Friday. Cannot wait
35°\72°, burned down the pile of coals with a holly split, now got 2 small oak rounds in back with 2 ash splits in front.
The Englands is chewing through wood at a steady pace. 72 inside temps. Box full of chestnut oak for the day.
-3. I suspect the boiler still has some wood in there but I'm not going out there to check for a couple hours...hopefully it will warm up some by then.
Ash and a little Elm in this morning. Woke up to an empty boiler wood chamber this morning. Had to do a quick fire build with a little paper and a lighter. The fan forced draft makes that easy though.
2° this morning when I rechooched with honey locust. 71° in the house. Feels like-11° apparently with the wind chill. Dogs were quick outside with their bathroom break.
We're having quite the big swing this weekend. From 54F down to 9F in 2 days. Red oak is on deck. At least the snow has melted...