Driving to a restaurant yesterday. Turned the corner off a rural route and hit the brakes. A little locust mania.
It's out there yet. I have a few like that just getting tired of schlepping rounds from afar. Where is that one located Joe?
Trailer with a winch would solve the schlepping problems LOL Corner of Bartlett and Rt17 in Portland. Looked it up on the tax maps. It’s a small chunk of state property usurped for the state road. Has a fire truck fill hydrant on it so I figured as much. Seems to be an overflow pond. Forget what they call those. Supposed to be kept clean of fallen trees,,,,,,we could volunteer
Not far from 66. Ill hafta check it out next week as I'm heading to East Haddam to load up a half cord I sold.
If you’re in the mood knock on the door of the adjacent house. Those trees are growing right on the property line. Just falling onto state property. Work from their property and winch them off the state land without setting a foot across the border
Have you driven 66 between Portland and Cobalt lately? State just finished up one of its “beautification” projects. Cut every tree within 100 feet of the roadway. Never figured out why they think thats beautiful. In three years we will have 100 feet of weeds and brambles. I had heard about it. Took a ride through to see if they were leaving any logs. Nope, hired that large outfit that chews everything into chips as it goes. Nothing left for us scroungers.
yeah the state did the same on route 15 from Wallingford Southbound into North Haven. Nuttin' but chips. Last time we went that way was early November to visit in East Haddam. I don't recall seeing any of the work at that time and I would've spotted it right away. I always spy that little BL grove on the corner of 66 and 151. There's a bit more BL at Hurd but I really have to work for it and am getting tired of that.