Splashed out for a Nicholson file handle. All I have ever used are the small plastic and wood handles, or no handle. It feels amazing to have a handle fit my hand.
The old kerosene torpedo heater. Lots of memories working in the garage with one of those stinkin things running
That SOB was crankin out some good heat. It was 5 degrees and it made it bearable. Didn’t stink too bad, little stink was better than the cold. They stink something awful when they go out/off. Been smoked out before.
I had one that would randomly start sputtering/smoking...have worked on it sooooo many times, just when you think it's fixed, nope! Ewww that smell! I generally use an LP fueled one now...much better. (BBQ bottle)
Somebody had one and we got smoked out of his garage. Eyes on fire, couldn’t breath. LPG burns much cleaner.
I personally seen enough ships and boats for 10 life times but My Daughter caught these nice photos last night of our local ferry service, yes, that’s Ice pieces floating. Enjoy.