Are you running round grind/file? If so a cordless Dremmel with a 7/16 stone you can sharpen a 84 driver chain in a minute or two. Save swapping chains. Also look a a ProSizer firewood laser marker. Huge time saver!
Ive only been there once while they were running it. He was zipping back and forth moving IBC totes and keeping me going with logs. I think he said 8-1 minutes per tote on a day I wasn't there. keep in mind he has to take the good straight logs and some knotty ones. As I've been bucking he has me leave the real gnarly chunks long if at the end of a log. What is the typical diameter of trees harvested in your area Rope? Based on the pics i've seen you post they don't get that big.
I swap chains or use the Stihl 2in1 to sharpen. If I was getting paid piece work I'd up my game, not that I dog it. I've cut side by side with two guys that buck and I outwork them and they are half my age.
Trees from within 30 feet of the river banks 30+ inch, if a wet area to wet for summer cutting, wait to freeze up but not standing water 12” to 20” 1/50 is bigger than 20” and if rain fall is need to grow less 12” is a good size. In my 5 acre yard I have maybe 3-4 20” several hundred 8”-14” and 300-400 smaller than 8”. When I cut personal use permit in a fire kill area I target 6”-10” tress so I don’t have to split just buck. Now that I am in the side hustle firewood scene my log semi loads are mostly the big stuff most don’t want to fool with. I get 1 of 7-8 trees that at 24” bar won’t cut all the way through. Logger that delivers my wood told me I have went through most of the big stuff and I will be seeing smaller logs.
The dremmel is nice to quickly get the chain cat claw sharp quickly. And the prosizer is nice not having to carry anything to measure the rounds. Prosizer mounts to the handle and is 3 oz at most.
The cordless Dremel is $35ish on Amazon. Oregon chain stones are $9 - 3 pack. I got the Prosizer from West Coast Saw $60. Time saving is amazing especially the Prosizer. Just saying.
Havent cut for him since new years day and kinda wrote it off. Well he texted the other day saying he needed me to cut again. I cut most of this pile of logs. Mostly ornamental cherry, Norway maple, and oak. Some were put aside to sell as is. He pulled logs that wouldn't fit in the processer that I cut too. Processer was there running. Splits were dropping into his dumpster truck and he dumped them into the pile. Yard gets cramped rather quickly. Apparently the processer didn't like this gun log (cant blame it) as i bucked it later. Luckily I wont have to split it. My little stack to take. Barkless black locust and for some reason he didn't want the white birch plus this burl log ill offer to my lathe guy. Back at it again today. Several bigger logs the processer couldn't take.
Quite the step up from working in a small backyard with a saw and a pickup truck. That ground looks treacherous. Good thing most of your snow is gone otherwise it’d look like Woodstock 4.0 minus the summertime temperatures and debauchery