Went a good ways out of my normal network to take a hazard tree down for a repeat client yesterday, southwest of Berkeley Springs WV (2 hrs away). This pine was close to 80' tall to the tips, uprooting and leaning towards the main service lines along the Cacapon River. Those lines supply the whole valley from what I understand. My one buddy just bought a camp along the Cacapon and was concerned about this tree coming down in the upcoming storm and taking everyone's power out, so we made it an urgent job and went ASAP. The wind gusts were horrible and we had to climb up into the codominant top to unlock some limbs and piece it out. Thanks to my son Dan for helping with the hard task of getting it all down and cleaned up safely. We were back home by 3pm.... Pics just don't do it justice, it was leaning hard and the lines were in its path.
You’re doing the big work Scotty… That tree surely could’ve come down in the next big storm, and if the long term forecast holds, that would’ve been sooner than later. I’m sure that’s a huge relief for the landowner.
I wish I'd learned to climb. Too old now! Nice work Scotty Overkill! Berkeley Springs is a nice place, or at least it used to be back when I lived in the Mountain State. It's been a while since I've been there though.
Thanks buddy yeah he just recently acquired the property and as soon as he saw that tree he knew it was trouble. Fast-forward to this week, he saw the forecast for that area and asked if we could make time to get it. So we took care of it right away. He's a genuinely good guy and was concerned for the residents in that valley along the river not having power if that tree came down on the lines.
It is a beautiful area, until yesterday I had never seen the valley on the west side of Berkeley Springs. I'll be visiting there with my fishing pole next summer.....
Hey, Scotty, we have some hazard trees down here......since you making road trips now...plenty of pecan to be had down here now too.
Wellll, we don't have a outdoor pizza oven, but we do have miles of dirt roads you can drink some Yuelings on... And bring Miz Dodi, I think we have some antiques she would like...
Glad to hear it all went well BUT you are really crazy to be doing that in windy conditions. Thanks for sharing the pictures.