Hi all, quick score this morning, a down tree on the main drag with a driveway for easy parking. Very dense and heavy wood, was not dead standing, and no leaves to go off of. What's the best guess?
Mulberry. Great burning wood...more btu's than most oaks but it does snap and spark quite a bit so careful burning in an open fire place.
10-4 on the Mulberry, it's definitely not locust. Believe it or not I've never gotten much mulberry in the past so I'm excited to get it split and stacked. Now I'll definitely be on the lookout for more!
I’m with lukem in thinking black locust. Bark doesn’t look right to me but I’ve never seen a mulberry that big. Any only in the last 2 years have I ever obtained either one, so don’t bet the farm based on my guess!
Big mulberry looks a lot like locust, both bark and the wood grain. The thick sapwood ring is how I differentiate it looking at it remotely by pictures alone. Mulberry on the left, locust on the right:
In my experience yes, slightly more yellow, almost neon when fresh cut. Then in a matter of days you’ll start to see the yellow in mulberry fade out to a red-brown color. Locust can be bright yellow too, but I’ve also seen fresh cut with more of a dull yellow or even tan-brown. Maybe that’s due to growing conditions or maybe it’s just a different cultivar/variety; I can’t really say.
Has a mulberry look to it but the heartwood is more of a black locust color and the bark is thicker than what I've seen for mulberry. Most of the mulberry I score is smaller in size so thinner bark. Ill check my mulberry stacks tomorrow and see. The mulberry I've cut has a brighter mustard yellow color to it. As Eric stated BL heartwood does have variations. Im leaning toward mulberry, and a great find regardless. Can you post more pics CutSplitStack? Maybe some of the splits too please.
Yahtzee!! If unsure on mulberry or BL, leave a split out in the sunlight a few days. Mulberry turns a chocolate color.
Thats crazy how close they are. I would have said honey Locust as well. Learn something new every day
The pics don't really do it justice, it's a good sized trunk. Needed a 20 inch bar just to get thru it and then the rounds were so heavy i ended up noodling a bit too. Really vibrant yellow when cutting into it.
Based on the above info definitely Mulberry. Feels nothing like the locust I've gotten, and the description of the neon color fading is dead on. I'll post the rest of the pics I took, no splits yet tho, still in the trailer!