27 and lightly snowing. Ash in the Wood Gun. I haven’t been outside yet, but it looks like we got 4-5 inches. Last night when I came home from work it was light and fluffy. That is better than heavy and wet!
23 might hit 40 today. BL to start the morning. Got the furnace running, just in time to not need it.
36/70 here on a mild Christmas Eve. Burning red oak and apple. Outside the smoke smells wonderful. Merry Christmas, everyone.
55F @ 3:30 Christmas Eve. No snow and running around in shirt sleeves. Makes it hard to get in the Christmas mood. One small fire this morning because the house was chilly from no fire since early morning yesterday. Baking has made it pretty warm in the house every day since Saturday.
Merry Christmas from Canada -5c//23f It’s not taking much to warm the house up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Holiday tradition of burning last year’s Christmas tree. This load is mixed with some cherry and white pine. Rather balmy Christmas - 43/73