In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Toyota Camry Sunglass holder water leak. - Fix?

Discussion in 'The DIY Room' started by don2222, Dec 21, 2024.

  1. don2222


    Nov 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Salem NH
    Just notice a dripping leak. See long yellow arrow om first pic? I saw on the internet that it could be clogged Sun Roof drain holes on the left and right sides. Will cleaning the SunRoof drain holes with a Harbor Freight cleaning brush and blowing them out with 90 PSI of compressed air fix this issue?
    Anyone else seen this problem??
    It is a strange place for water leakage but one other person on the internet had that problem and the water got in thru the top of the windshield. I noticed a grove where the windshield is sealed at the bottom of the groove. Therefore if this does not fix it, I will put some high temperature silicone I use for pellet stoves or Permatex Glass Weld from Autozone into that groove for a better window seal. [​IMG]
    Permatex Glass Weld Urethane Cartridge 10.5oz
    See pic of Top of Windshield and clear silicone in last pic below. I saw 2 more people on the internet that had very small break in the top of the windshield seal and one person found it with soapy water in the groove and blowing air from inside with a shop vac or compressor and watching for air bubbles. [​IMG] Good process! [​IMG]
    The best approach may be to clean the grove between the windshield and car with alcohol and apply a small amount of silicone at the bottom on the grove to seal any breaks. The new technology of designing groves with drainage must work better since the old days without the groves had more windshield and sunroof leaks?

    Pic 01 - Sunglass holder left side also leaks on right side
    Pic 02 - Sunroof from outside
    Pic 03 - Sunroof left corner
    Pic 04 - Sunroof dirty drain hole
    Pic 05 - Compressor gage shows set to 90 PSI
    Pic 06 - Compressor air gun
    Pic 07 - Cleaning brush from Harbor Freight
    Pic 08 - Clean drain hole
    Pic 09 - High heat water proof clear silicone for top of windshield in groove after cleaning with alcohol.
    Pic 10 - Permatex glass weld from Autozone
    Permatex Glass Weld Urethane Cartridge 10.5oz

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2024
    metalcuttr, eatonpcat and wildwest like this.
  2. Jeffrey Svoboda

    Jeffrey Svoboda

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Just be careful with the air pressure. You can blow the drain hose off the sunroof frame.
  3. don2222


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Salem NH
  4. Warner


    Jun 19, 2017
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    New Hampshire
    If I suspect the sunroof drains are clogged I’ll pour some water in the frame by the drains and watch to see if it stays pooled up or drains out on the floor. The seal around the windshield is sandwiched in between the glass and body. Rarely develops a leak unless you get rust or rot where the urethane adhesive is bonded to the body.