Passed this yesterday en route to my delivery. Stopped on the way back to investigate. By a stroke of luck both homeowners were out at dusk and i got the okay to park, cut and take what I want. One only asked that I buck some of the smaller logs for his use. I offered him the cut offs and chunklies and he agreed. 40" stump. That's a big sum beech. Red oak 39" stump. The smaller red oak at 33". I cut all the beech limb wood today. Don't get beech that often so I jumped on the opportunity. Rain started just as I was finishing up. 462 & 241 saw action. No pun intended! What I left for him. More big oak directly across the street. My guard rail hopping days are over. I normally don't touch logs this size, but from the way they are positioned I'll be able to buck all the way through without having to roll them to finish the cut. Plus buzz-saw was asking for a big oak score to work together on. Be careful what you ask for buddy.
Excellent grab! Will Craig be partaking in some of the oak eventually? You know it's a big score when your smaller log is 33"
He dang well better be. That's a LOT of wood at that size to work alone. I was making a deal with the neighbor to work the stuff across the street together. He's a newbie burner and saw user. Tried cutting skinnies on a chop saw with not good results.
What's on the other side of the guardrail? White oak or more red? Road looks well traveled, route 22?
More red oak. I scouted it and I could park halfway around the corner to be safe with the cones etc. Real good line of sight for oncoming traffic and IIRC I cut a huge load of tulip just up from there as its the same road where I cut all the Asplundh's Caboose wood last Winter. Yes it is rte 22 North Branford.
I thought you might foam at the mouth when you saw these big rounds? Quartered??? Are you trying to kill me? I'm lucky if I can load them in sixths or even eight's . That's a heavy sum beech. The oak should section up nicely with the isocore. Wanna come up and section up the beech for me?
Sounds like an opportunity to use Jason's way to noodle the middle before bucking trick. You found a score all right!
It's great wood. Smells like roasted caramel when lit. But can be twisty and not fun to split by hand.
I think I seen some beech trees today on a road trip to the eastern 1/3 of the state. Do they grow in Nebraska?
I can be a bit tough to crack open. I split a couple today with it, but noodled the few other I opted to half.