Few weeks back, I must have tweaked my back doing various things out back including splitting and stacking firewood. I've done it before a few times doing much less or just moving a certain way. It usually goes away within a day or two. Fast forward, it's been a few weeks now and it's driving me nuts. Its my lower right side, its a sharp shooting pain depending on which I move. I notice sitting does not help much at all, it's like am almost compressing it. I can even feel it in my hip and also my right leg at times. I took it easy for a week and it truly did feel better but then I moved a certain way within the past few days and boom, back to square one. Trying to push through it, I have not done any treatments on it or seeking medical. Just wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks to recover. Seems no matter which way I sit or lay its just there.... About to break out the icy hot or bengay but I want it gone, tired of walking around gingerly.
Would a neoprene type of support help, you know like the ones some warehouse workers wear? I often wear one when doing heavy lifting and when I take it off I can feel like I almost sag down like it was really holding me up. Granted it is after the fact, but it might help by taking some weight off what you have damaged.
If you can find a corner waist height (kitchen counter, deck rail, whatever) place your hands about should width apart, transfer weight to your arms, and lean forward and relax as much as you can. This will usually fix me up after a couple times. I call it the counter-practor.
Look up a book: McKenzie treat your own back. His exercises have worked wonders for me and even my Chiro had me do some of his exercises
Leg raises have helped me in the past to alleviate lower back problems. The way i understand it is that your back muscles will compensate for your lack of ab muscles. Plus poor posture doesn't help. Leg raises build core muscles without adding pressure to your back. Id start by lifting your legs as high as you can. Then repeat as many times as you can. Like this picture. Or lay on your back like above and lift legs 3"-12" off the ground. Either hold there for a few sec or spread your legs in a V, then back together, then down. Repeat that as many times as you can.
Timely post. Friday while lifting power seats out of two vehicles (for re-covers), I found myself bending at weird angles to get them out. Went home, bent over to pick up a dog toy and bam. Lower back pain. I have a Teeter Hang-Up (inversion table). I use that 3-4 times a day for 5 minutes a session and it really helps me out. This AM and at lunch I made huge improvements and I’m almost back to normal. I did spend almost all day Saturday and Sunday with a heating pad behind me but I don’t think it does much. if you search CL or FBMP, they can be had for $25-45.
Having dealt with back issues for many years I would like to suggest that you see a specialist. What you describe is almost classic herniated disc issue..the wrong type of home remedy could cause much more serious injury. Just my opinion along with personal experience. Wish you the best cause back pain really sucks
Have you been icing it? Heat will make it worse. Try sleeping with pillows under your knees if on your back. Between your knees if on your side. There are exercises my spine doc gave me to do. One is to lay flat on your back, knees bent like you're doing situps. Then rotate your legs left and right, keeping you back on the floor. Hold in each position for a few seconds. Essentially you are rotating your hips / pelvis side to side. Another is done while setting on the floor. Stretch one leg out in front and the other bent, laying on its side with your foot against the side of your knee. Slowly slide your hand out along the top of your outstretched leg as far as you can and hold it. Repeat each leg, several times trying to reach farther each time. This stretches the backs of your legs. If I think of more I'll pass them on.
Wonder if it's sciatica? A coworker is dealing with that right now and it sounds similar to what you're describing.
I've had back problems for 20 yrs All my cartilage was gone by 16 and almost got paralyzed in football. For me personally the best has been keeping moving and doing stretches every day. Ive had an extremely physical job for the past 3 years and my back has never felt better. The easier I take it the more it hurts. To an extent obviously, ive also learned to accept that I have lifting limits
No, really. It's what they'll have you do in therapy anyways. Get out ahead. Massotherapist > Chiro > Dr. Anti inflamatory pills. Something is angry down there. A good massage will help to relax it. 9 Sciatica Stretches to Ease Nerve Pain
I agree here also. I have suffered from back problem for years. What you are going through sounds a lot like what I went through, and it took years to get it corrected. It took a while but finally one day I couldn't stand up or walk. I got admitted to the hospital and my insurance finally ok'd an MRI. I was up and feeling fine after a 5 day stay and surgery but it was the physical therapy that followed which I was initially reluctant to do, that really helped me in the long run. I had some PT's that were really good treating me. Good luck and take care of yourself.
look up S I joint pain. I get that issue and find it easy to correct with exercises shown on youtube. How to Fix Your Sacroiliac Joint Pain | STEP-BY-STEP Guide
Great idea, I am stubborn and usually just try to push through things. Definitely something to keeping the weight off of it because when I sit I feel like I am compounding and putting pressure on it. Last night I laid on the couch laying on my stomach, that was the most comfortable I've been laying down watching TV.