I have some made of HDPE and they are rather heavy. 50 lbs each shipping weight, iirc. They're not as bad in the sun as my old deck with brown composite deck boards that we had to get a carpet for sunny days. Plus those boards had to have any cut ends sealed with <something> or they would mushroom with moisture. That was quite a few years ago, they may be improved now. I was going to make my own but I would have to clean out that bay of my garage. I got too much stuff. I need a barn. When I die, take all my other stuff, put it in the barn full of stuff and light it off. CArt off the ashes.
Broke my old cell fone stand from a few years ago, so I went to the interwebs and got a couple ideas. Had a little maple round that I noodled down a few years ago. So I ran them through the bandsaw and cut it into slabs and found some cool spalting and bug holes. Threw a couple stands together. I'll call these "Rustic Sawn." You can see the saw marks and I just sanded them lightly. I softened the corners and edges.
Had a few little blocks of walnut laying on the bench in a bag and couldn't remember where they came from. Squared them up on the bandsaw on all six sides/ends. Then cut a ⁷/16 slab off the wider side. Made a small channel to slide the slab in and a notch to hold the bottom edge of the fone from sliding out. Simple, but works well.
Need to sand the walnut pieces yet and put a finish on all of them. I really like the "rustic" bandsaw marks.