32/70 Scraps in the morso tonight. Burned a storage box full so far this season. Refilled it today. Burned a few loads in the psg, but mainly using the morso so far. Good to be burning again!
Back to a quiet house, everyone left. Let the fire go out first thing this AM. Just relit couple minutes ago with a way starter and some mulberry splitter scrap to lite chestnut oak. Overnight temps to dip a bit very soon.
Long day, 32°f out 72°f inside. Arizona white oak keeping it nice through this evening. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Just back from the boiler. Burning some scavenged rounds that I split Wednesday . Had been laying in tall weeds fo4 a year. Oak and maple be the fare tonight. Lit up the fireplace in the house the first time of the season. high twenties as overnight. Hoping I loaded enough for a late morning refill. Had to splice a wire to the blower and damper last Sunday, thanks to a boiler owning neighbor. So far no problems. stay toasty and thirsty my friends
How have you made it this long without a fire? I'm two states south of you and on my 3rd fire. Happy Thanksgiving to all my hoarder friends. My name is Mike, and I'm a hoarder.
No excuses, just been a little burned out this year. On the plus side, I think I have more wood here at the house than I ever have and most of it is quality like hedge, locust, oak, and mulberry. Should be touching the 5-year mark.
25/76 and snowing, elm and red maple burning. The dogs got into it with the biggest possum I've ever seen. Was worried I was going to have to put it down but thankfully I got them off it in time and it was just playing possum. The last one wasn't so lucky.
25f here with heavy wind. Just loaded up before 1 last deer hunt attempt of season. Stove room 64 on reload Wife will be running stove today
15/67 Wind chill is 0 now but will change as winds will get stronger throughout the day. I haven't looked at snow levels yet but it's definitely a plowing day here.