Pure firewood videos i like Back 40 Firewood and Hard Working Man. The only Billy Ray I watched was saw sharpening. Morgans and most others do a lot of none firewood stuff.
Terry Hale. He seems like a retired engineer that bought some land. Uses all kinds of ropes and pulleys to take down trees. Smart guy https://m.youtube.com/@terryhale9006/videos
Usually I pass on any videos with (beyond politically correct crowd's) ASMR in the title or keyword but this is the newest video. Not for everyone, even me sometimes, but there it is.
Stumbled upon this channel a few times, excellent learning channel for sure and my go to for a refresher.
seems they’ve all become too much a paid infomercial. none of them seem to be able to have an original idea as within days or weeks of each other, they do pretty much their own version of the same thing..
I agree. I use to watch Ohio Woodburner and Hometown Acres but not that they're bigger their sponsors seem to run the show. Now my favorite is Sam's Doing Stuff. Still small. But I might be biased toward him because he's local
Check out https://youtube.com/@aroundtheyard-mn?si=OyQboyO8y82VTCSb Brent is still pretty small and keeps things real at the moment. he’s the one I’ve been collaborating with when I do stuff
Terrible camera work, zero editing skills, twisted up cherry log, inefficient operator, processor saw not tuned properly... But at least I got the saw dialed in better and getting more efficient. I need to post a new video.