This saw is in the front window of a hardware store in downtown Brattleboro, VT. (Brown and Roberts). We had to run a quick errand yesterday AM and took shelter from the rain under the awning which gave me the opportunity to snap a few pics. Certainly an older setup as the bar says “Made in West Germany”. On a side note, this is a great local hardware store. It’s actually where I bought my Ms250 15 years ago and all my safety gear.
Thats a 122cc monster with the two man handle for a second operator. You gonna buy it so you and the Mrs. can fell some of the big trees at your place?
Cutting buddy has one, that thing is a beast!! Ive cut a bit with it but soon relize the weight of it is more than i want to deal with
I have one also , only comes out to play once in awhile. 42" and 60" bars .404. I just kinda hoist up top ,pull trigger and let it do its thing. just the ticket for those 4' + stumps i get.
I have two 084's. This one is ported by our own huskihl and it's a beast..... They're very hard to find good parts for nowadays.....
I have a 59" bar in the basement saw shop that still hasn't even been mounted to the 084 yet..... I really don't need it, bit it's nice to have in thr event I ever do.....
Ya 084 is a heavy beast. We had one at the sawmill i worked at in the 90s. It had a helper handle on a 6 foot bar. It was used to slab logs that were to big for the ring debarker. Used ripping chain. Usually only had 3 to 4 logs a month that had to be slabbed. Kinda fun, but not something you would want to do all day. Being on the power head end was much better than the helper handle.