I love Woak. I am about to tie into a couple decent logs I have sitting at the upper yard and a whole tree blowdown I gotta yank out yet. Should be a decent yield. There are a few pieces in the rounds I been working at the lower yard and smelling it again was nice.
Oak makes hoarding wood pleasant. It’s so easy to process, it practically falls apart splitting. Then when proper dry, just lays in my firebox cranking out btu’s. Nice little pile Eric! Bet it smells great.
For the longest time I shied away from heavy oak hoarding because of the dry time Luckily now that’s a nonissue and I can cut as much as is available to me. Yep, splits great, stacks well, and burns even better
I’m finally getting back to stacking again. Between these two rows there’s a cord here that I stacked this morning, with enough room left on the pallets for 1 more row. I really didn’t want to try and squeeze 4 rows on here, with no airflow in between. It remains to be seen how much will still be left to stack after the third row is filled in. Between all the oak, the ash, and crabapple I’ve gotten since August I’m probably right around 3 cords. What’s left on the ground:
Nice work, gonna be nice enjoying that on a frigid night. I’ve only ever gotten one white oak and it was a big ol’ yard tree, still split pretty easily though. Would love to get my hands on some more.
Youre a really good stacker. Go for the fourth row. I would. You could always relocate it later on. Not fun as I know but heck we're wood hoarders with limited space. Cram it in there!
I got the third and final row from this score stacked. That makes for exactly a cord and a half here in this spot, which still needs a top cover. I still have maybe 1/2 cord of oak on the ground, but I have yet to make a good spot for it. My 3 cord estimate earlier was spot on. I’ll call this thread wrapped up at this point. It’s been fun replenishing all the oak I sold last winter.