Sounds like a good plan. Maybe disregard some of my comments in my prior post as I hadn't read this yet.
You gotta tell them like it is. You just don't really have any extra right now even though it may look like it. The three (or 5) of you gotta come up with a plan to all stay in firewood this Winter especially if it means digging into your supply. Somehow, some way they have to help replace what they take. Plus get their own stashes. You might be willing to help them out, but you can't afford to do it all. Now, before it gets colder and tougher. I've cut dead standing red oak in the snow and cold before because it was free but if it wasn't free I wouldn't have been out there. I didn't need the wood but those I was firewooding with did. I got some nice firewood out of it so it wasn't all "feel good" work.
I think part of the issue us hoarders have is people see our many stacks and think, oh they have all that firewood, plenty to spare. I did tell my BIL to be sure to tell my sister that those splits were from rounds that I hauled up hill in 95* temps. and it was the hardest scrounge I ever did.
Many good replies here, FHC. Biddleman - forthcoming speech/explanations of what the 3yr plan means may be tough (and possibly not heard), but maybe you could broach the subject at the time of a family gathering? Maybe even “an ‘open letter’ to my awesome family”…?
It's pretty often that I don't understand people. That wood is the same as money. If someone is in need that's one thing but if they are not needy, they can buy that $170/cord wood because that is beyond dirt cheap. And they got your locust? I woulda had to raise some cain on that. Bring that wood back! It kind of irks me to think of your situation, lol. I'm daydreaming... just "thinking out loud" right now, it would be apropos to say, "Let me explain why all of my wood is precious to my family. I do a 3-yr plan and you know I work very hard at it. I stay on top of it. If you need wood, I'll give you some money if you don't have it and you can get some of that $170/cord." Then, if they want the money, I'd give it to them. If they are not needy, I'd do it once, lol. Big talk, isn't it. You're too nice. I'm mad at myself today for being out $200 that I loaned a guy four months ago and was to repay me in two weeks that has made zero effort to pay me back. I hope I am done with loans. I got several outstanding owed to me that, apparently, I will never get. People take advantage of you if you aren't broke. I just turned 71. Screw it, I need to learn to be the cranky old man. "Hell no, and don't ask again, there's a bank right down the street."
I had mentioned to my Wife about your original post. She thinks I was too harsh. Maybe I am but I have been in your position too many times and have been taken advantage of before I learned to say NO! She did bring up a good point however. You have one sister and BIL who has a lot of logs but apparently could use some help processing them. You have another sister and BIL who would like some wood but don't want to pay for it. This is a perfect situation! The two parties can get together and process that pile of logs and both can take a bunch of FREE wood home. In the process they may learn a little about how free that wood really is. Course they may need to borrow your chainsaw, splitter and pickup to get the deed done! I honestly hope you are able to solve your dilemma amicably as ill feelings amongst the in laws can be very taxing on everyone. As others have said, you are a good guy. Just don't allow yourself to get trampled on in the process!
I'd be hesitant and leary as well. And mad if I thought they were trying to take advantage or be free loaders. I guess it spends on how much you have for this season and next.... But at the very least I think it sounds like some 'education' is needed, about moisture content of wood and how long it takes to dry and become good explain the details behind the 3 year plan. So that they can understand it's more than just a bunch of wood, it's planning and preparation and invested time. And that for this particular season, you only have 'x' amount of wood that's ready. Most folks just don't realize how long it takes to make good firewood.
First time is you being nice. Second time they better be nice and help you replace all that they have taken.
Thanks for the replies and the thoughts of how to say no without it being a long-term family ordeal. metalcuttr that's a good idea for them to procesd together. Maybe when they ask to borrow my splitter and I hand them my fiskars maul and splitting axe and say here you go, they'll get the idea.
It is nice to be able to help when help is needed. Yet, if the need was created by PPP or lazyness, then one has to think long and hard before helping. Use your own judgement but also remember you are dealing with family.
This is kinda what I was thinking. A family GTG of sorts. The one BIL has a pile of logs already. So even if you have to supply some equipment ( saws and splitter), all 3 parties could process the pile together and each party could get a share of the bounty. That would give them a good idea of how much effort is involved in the process of heating with wood. And then they could decide whether to continue to procure their own wood, purchase it (ahead of time to allow for drying), or abandon the wood heat altogether and go back to oil.
Haha dont even get me started…my father in law punishes me with the firewood every year makes it more andore difficult…im about to jus pay a guy to dump a cord in his driveway
Unfortunately I have found that the more you allow someone to lean on you... the more they will do so. I give away a small portion of wood every year. Some good splits go to my buddy's widowed mother. The other stuff I give away is mostly 'camp wood'. I'm not the type to not offer help. I am the type to not be taken advantage of.