Let me start by saying we heat our home with our woodstove from Oct- sometimes into early May. As some may know, our home is a 1840 stone farmhouse. It does have a newer addition on second floor, but those who have had the experience of living in a farmhouse, you know they have their quirks when it comes to heating. We do have an oil furnace, but I only turn it on to see if it works. Havent bought oil in 6 years, going on 7. We also have a small space heater for the bathroom, but the woodstove is it for heat. I have 2 married sisters. Older one lives in a raised ranger. I believe they own 12 acres, more than half are hardwoods. They have some sort of primary heat system, but also they have a stove that burns coal and wood. Which they dont use. 2 years ago in early december their main heat went out. So they asked if they could get some firewood. I said sure. I told my brother in law what stack to take it from. He didn't listen and took my primo supply of black locust I had for jan/feb. . I didn't say anything because I got logs from their property before. He had a pole barn built in 2 years ago and took down some trees. He has at least 4 cords in logs piled up. All good stuff, BL mulberry, cherry. (The guy who did the excavating had a huge burn pile and burned any walnut, sassafrass, hackberry, etc... said was no good for firewood) He said that he wont need firewood this year because of his pile of logs. I said that stuff isn't drying out. So he then said maybe he'll get more firewood from me. Im thinking you RETIRED early and could have done this years ago. My other sister lives in a farmhouse. They have oil heat, a pellet stove and a woodstove. For some reason my sister wants to use the woodstove this year. They haven't used it in years. Their pellet stove is broken and no one seems to be able to figure it out, so that just sits there. My brother in law asked if he could get a pickup truck load, I said sure. He still works, has some health issues, and wasn't thinking he was going to use the woodstove. He then tells me they know a guy who sells a cord delivered for $170.00. But my sister isn't sure of buying. (They make a good living). Im like what's his number!! But I still brought down 4 carts of 5 year old mixed oak for him. They dont seem to understand that burning is our way of life. I am on the 3 year plan so it looks like I have an abundance of a supply, but it's earmarked for the future. Plus I'm behind on resupplying because of working on my garage. So Im going to put myself in a hole if I continue to give it away. I have no problem helping others, like my elderly parents who burn in february, but am I being a selfish jerk for not wanting to part with my hoard to those who have the ability and means to help themselves?
I wouldn’t put yourself in a jam parting with more than you can comfortably spare. Just because someone else hasn’t grasped the concept of preparation and execution doesn’t mean that you have to pick up the slack.
100% Now if they were to restock what they use this year the following summer but you'd have to trust they'd follow though. No reason to put yourself in a bind because of someone elses poor planning. Everyone knows it gets cold this time a year and will be for several months...... Makes me think of the people that would wait to get their grass cut in the spring until it was basically outta control but wanted it done for the same price as a regular cut. It was like they thought the grass was gonna cut its self or something. Idk.
Your firewood has become your sole means of heating your house. In other words it is now your "heating oil". They can easily buy their own 'heating oil', why expect you to provide it to them ...and for free? Sounds like wheels are turning figuring they "want to become accustomed" to cutting their heating bills by having you give them firewood. After all, that firewood YOU have is FREE. Right? After I had satisfied myself that I owed him nothing more for any logs I may have gotten from his property, I would firmly tell all parties that the free firewood faucet is turned off!!!!! My firewood is my heating oil!
Hope you like bluegrass music cuz it sounds to me like you are getting played like a fiddle. It's hard sometimes to forget a willingness to help your fellow man but sometimes enough is enough esspecially when they can very well do for themselves. Just my thoughts. Been down that dirt road to many times.
Am sort of in the same situation with my brother and GF's relatives. If your one sister that makes a good living just let's a broken pellet stove remain broken, their problem, not yours. Stick to your guns and say no, and like others said, your wood is your "heating oil". Like one of those tough love decisions.
Don’t say No they’re your family they won’t take it well! Tell them sure you help me get 2 truck loads of wet for every truck of dry you take… IF (I doubt) they do it once they won’t do it again.. Either way you win AND your not the bad guy
Thanks for the replies everyone. I dont want it to make it sound like they never help me with anything. The one who got the truck load of wood today helps me butcher deer and fix things. Hes very mechanically inclined, just has heart health issues. They've had techs come look at the pellet stove, to no avail. When he picked up the wood today he did ask what I owe you. Sounds like this is my sister's idea. She had some medical procedure and is off work. Trying to save $$. He knows how much work it takes to make firewood, he grew up with it. He split wood year round until he moved out. He said he'll see if my sister likes loading the stove. If she does he's calling the guy to deliver. I casually mentioned that $170.00/ cord delivered is hard to beat in this area. As for the other brother-in-law, Im planning on getting a wolfe ridge splitter in a month or so. Im going to offer to buck and split the logs he has (he can do the stacking) for half the amount of wood processed. He'll never use the amount I do. Then at least he has something to burn if he wants. Though it may be wet still, but you can only teach the lesson, not learn it for the person.
IMO you’re definitely not being selfish if you don’t want to give away your hard earned 3yr plan stash. There wood at least be some kind of barter system for future logs/wood if I did share. If they say they have access to $170/ cord wood, tell them to jump on it quick. I’d then proceed to tell them that the premium black locust that they mistakenly took instead of the other stuff is worth at least $200/cord, so they know you know they took the wrong stuff. It’s not petty, we work hard to set ourselves up for success in the cold months. And if they don’t appreciate your hard work and feel it’s petty, let em provide their own. It’s a great feeling to help others but when they don’t appreciate it, that changes everything.
Nope not being selfish at all. You worked for it for a purpose of heating your home, not just for the "joy" of making a big hoard of wood. Giving them some in an emergency or a little wood for ambiance would be fine, but that's it. Because we produce so much firewood people think it comes easy to us, but as we know its a lot of hard work. Tell them if they are willing to help you'll give them wood or they can pay for it either from you or elsewhere. Have them help you harvest, cut, split and stack a cord of wood and then they'll see.