My father-in-law was a pilott. He and my mother-in-law saw what are now referred to as unidentified arial phenomenon or UAPs about 25 years ago. The unidentified flying object paralleled their car for several miles out in the country late one January night as they were driving home from a dinner date. After they turned off of the rural highway onto their road the object was nowhere to be seen. Shortly after they went inside the house they saw the object in front of the their house hovering over the frozen lake they lived on. It was a saucer shaped object that was quite large and totally silent. It had a slowly rotating base from which multiple pillars of light were moving in a repetitive pattern straight down upon the snow covered ice. Del went next door and got his sister and brother-in-law up out of bed and they all stood outside watching this spectacle unfold in amazement. I don’t’ recall how long they observed it together, but it was long enough to get a good look and description of it. They said that when it left the area it was fast, and again was totally silent. The bay they lived on was a couple hundred yards across, and the UAP was in the middle, so it was not too far away which made it’s silent departure at a rapid speed particularly significant to Del. Del flew everything from C13os, to hundreds of helicopter combat missions in Viet Nam, to 757s and leer jets in his post military commercial aviation career, and he said he had never seen anything like it, and couldn’t remotely explain it from the knowledge he had at the time. He eventually became very interested in the more recent pilot accounts and films of other UAPs that were shown on the mainstream news a few years ago. Del, who has since passed on, was a very devout Christian man, sober as a church mouse, and not one to engage in hyperbole or fanciful tales. I had previously been skeptical of such matters but as soon as he told my wife and I about what they saw I knew what they all saw was absolutely real, and certainly not something that can be explained by what is now widely known by the public. When I asked him if the event unsettled him in any way, he said no, with what seemed to me to be a state of excitement and wonder over it, as he had a peaceful countenance and a childlike twinkle in his eyes. Shortly before his passing I brought it up again to see if he had thought much more about it, and he said he came to an understanding of the possibility that these types of things, including heaven and God are around us all the time, and that there is a different dimension, or maybe multiple different dimensions, that are occasionally glimpsed by those chosen, or who are in the right place at the right time when the veil is thin, or lifted. Here is an article that merely scratches the surface regarding the topic that maybe of interest to some members: Here are the 5 most memorable moments from Congress’ UFO hearing
It’s too bad that these intelligence agencies interpret “we the people” as “we the people in the government” and stonewall our representatives when asking questions. It’s sadder that we let them do it.
They know we all have cell phone cameras now which is why they don't stalk us as much these days. Edit just making light of the situation, not doubting. I think it's more likely than not there are other beings out there.
That’s good JoeyD . I haven’t checked much, but I wonder how many UAPs have been captured on cell phone cameras. I can recall seeing several on YouTube.
This was my first introduction to such. I don't frequent the UFO stuff, but cannot believe I haven't heard of this previously due to my travels here in teh webs.