To all who have served our Great Country, may the day, 11 November 2024 keep you in Gods eyes and in the hearts of family and friends! You all know I am here for you! (any of you)! Let us NEVER forget our Brethren who came before us! Stand tall and Salute them! God bless, stay safe, and Thank you so very much what you have done and sacrificed for our Country! To you!
That time of the year when we toast those we served with, those who came before us, those who followed in our footsteps, and most importantly, those who never came home. Happy Veteran's Day to all who served.
I used to work with a teacher who had the following bumper sticker which I feel is appropriate every day but even more so today: "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read it in English, thank a veteran."
To all that have served and are serving, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I daily appreciate all you did and are doing for us and our country.
Also want to give my heartfelt appreciation to all of those who helped keep our country what it is! “ We have a constitutional republic if we can keep it” Benjamin Franklin