We worked on some skinnies we had piled up at this shed. Miz Carol went back ol'skool, splitting some bigger white oak than was in the pile... Almost got this end finished, we will use from the other end this year...
We had a severe thunderstorm roll through a couple Sundays ago. A nice subdivision had a lot of trees down. We had a chance to go Wednesday and relocate some of them to our house before a tree service cleans it up. These are the trees we got... We got this leaner down and the hickory it was hung up on... We had to work to get this oak...hook chains together and drag sections to firmer ground This log was 18' long... These were easy... Left these...too wet, willow and white oak And this hanger... Got the tractor stuck 1st thing, glad we had Godzilla to pull it out. Our friend/neighbor Fredrick helped us all day. First time in awhile we were able to haul 3 loads in a day... 1st 2 loads were mostly 12'ers Oak and hickory Had 3 more trees down I didn't get a picture of...cut the main trunk of 1 into 6' logs, there's a few 9' on there too It was a tad warm
Time for a thread bump... We started splitting some of the oak from the trees above... Got a decent pile... Had a few shorts to go in a tote Then had some odd length/crooked hickory, cut it to 11" rounds too. Filled another tote with hickory... After we got back from a short vacation, set the splitter and conveyor up for the hickory shed...time change and light rain means lights and umbrella Got some logs moved, 4 bucked and split Monday night Some split ok, others made me glad the Wolfe Ridge is a push thru design...
After work Tuesday night, we got the pile above stacked, added a few more pieces to the 3rd row and got half way up on the 4th row... Then some good trigger time on the Echo XS2511T and Stihl XS362, bucking the rest of the log pile... Fired up Blue Samson about 9PM, let him munch on some stringy hickory... You can hear it cracking over the engine ... Got another pile to stack tonight What's left is some nice rounds that should make good quantity/quality splits...
Nice! I've had hickory just like that. Slowed me down a bit for sure but dang it is excellent firewood. Is that going in the personal stash?
That's the plan, I want to fill that side up with hickory and the other side with white oak, save it a few years. I want us to have some premium wood too, for a change. I've even done some totes of 11" shorts (stove stuffers, overnight burns) of white oak and hickory, on purpose. This one is hickory, bottom half is tossed in, stacked the top part. One of several white/red oak totes We also have that load of Bradford pear and hybrid sugar maple to process.
We've been working around the place, got more hickory CSS...got 6 rows in the shed now, 3 more to go... Then we started working on Helene blow downs on our place, these are on our son's property. Helene broke the tops out of this big water oak... A nice wedge... Falling down... Ms461 and 32" bar got'ter done... Then we had 2 red oaks on his property that blew over... Still have this to clean up... A small pile of oak and small cherry The bigger red oak... The grapple is full Got a nice pile of red and water oak... Took time to put a proper roof on a kindling basket... And life & work goes on in Dixie
T.Jeff Veal Jeff, I keep seeing all this wood you are getting and processing and I begin to wonder..."Is buZZsaw BRAD 's Most Prolific Hoarder award in danger?" Of course, you do have a tractor, splitter and your secret weapon, The Missus, who does most of the real work while you play with chainsaws. I will have to study on this!
Well he did just have a hurricane go through there! If I'm in danger of losing it I may have to step up my game a bit then. Maybe Jeff can get the "Hoarder Extraordinaire" award instead? Ill be the first to nominate him!
It's nice...lol...we do have some terraces on our place. We have had to tackle some hills before. No mountains here, but some areas do have steep hills.
It's nice to be a wood snob for a bit...lol... Trying to get some processed to make room for more......still have some hickory, white and red oak at 2 houses to finish. Then all the wood on our place. Need to retire...
We relocated a few loads of splits this week.. This load went to a deer camp, they have already said they want another load Repeat customer wanted a load of green wood, nice to plan ahead. Stacked on their porch rack, dry on the right Tote of seasoned dropped off to a repeat customer Another load of green oak delivered, we stacked it in her barn. She will burn this in 2 years probably...she has plenty from the last year or so. She will get another load later in the season. Ladder helps Miz Carol get on the truck. Yep, the BL was great this week... We have enjoyed a nice fire of two this week, burning some 3/4 yr old chunks... The county lit off the big pile of storm debris Wednesday, took these pictures that night on the way home... Zoom in and see the silhouette...sure didn't expect to see that there...
Our friend that gave us a lot of hickory and white oak from Hurricane Helene had about 12-15 trees taken down that were close to their house, she wanted someone with insurance to do it. We told her to get the company to leave trees for us, just clean up tops to save them ... She called the other day, trees had been taken down, delimbed, all we had to do was load logs. We went over Friday afternoon, found a nice pile of logs...white oak and hickory... I had loaded these 2 white oak logs, then remembered I needed to . We got 1 trailer full loaded What's left from this pile to get... She also told me to look at the brush piles, might be some we could pull out... We spent the rest of the evening tearing apart the brush piles, I guess the company was just trying to get finished or thought we had enough wood.....tangled mess... But the Kubota and grapple saved about another cord of hickory, white oak and a few pieces of mulberry from going to the dump... There's still a little in the pile, but ran out of time. It's ok, they put some on his burn pile we will get later... Plus they still have several white oaks down and another she wants us to drop... I guess I just have farwood mania...