We’ve had a pretty warm Fall but with colder weather right around the corner it was time bring the wood rack to the patio and get ‘er filled up. I’m pulling from a 1.5 cord stack of 3yr mostly red and white oak with a smattering of hickory. Logs are cut to 20” length. Nine double tote trips later it’s all full and ready to go. Some of its a little punky since it was standing dead when I cut it but it should be good for this shoulder season. The chimney is swept and the fans in the insert have been cleaned and oiled. since the fans are $200 apiece I had to figure out a way to lube a sealed bearing but I finally got it done. Time to start cutting for 2028
Oh chit! What have I done! just kidding. The fireplace is on the other side of that wall and it’s flanked on either side with a door. We’ve lived here for 6 years and I don’t think I’ve ever opened it.