Time for monthly count of pellet usage for this heating season. The first month of counting comes with a disclaimer for my circumstances. I usually have completely empty hoppers at the beginning of the season (and that was the case this year), and top off the hoppers before I do a count of my stacks. Since both of my stoves have hopper extensions, that can lead up to about 3.5 bags that I haven't actually "used" yet. But by the next count, it will all come out in the wash. This year I know I didn't use any pellets earlier than October since I didn't even unplug exhausts/OAKs until 10/6/24. Some years I can start as early as September although it is less likely now that I have a mini split for the main floor and the basement will hold usually hold its temp to about 64*. So far I've use the mini split to take care of the main floor's daytime heating (except that 1 super windy day a week back). I'm fortunate in that I'm in a position that I can pick and choose how to heat the main floor depending on my mood and how I feel, so it can change throughout the season So, as of November 1, 2024, I have taken 11 bags from my stash so far this year.
Zero for October. I decided to slack and wait until I can burn high/low and the stove will go 24/7. Oil is too easy peasy!! Hope to start the stove tomorrow. Try to save a bit of oil in case we get a cold snap.
Fired the stove tonight, Finally. No worries, I'll catch you all in a few! Dang drafty old shack will kill 2 bags tonight likely.
I’ve burned 20 bags so far this season. But I’ve been burning since late August. Pretty average so far.
25 Bags into my M-55 by Thankgiving this year. Would be burning less but window AC units are still in (till this weekend, I've been lazy)) and provide a bit of a cool draft. lol Bought 1 ton of Green Supreme at HD in October. Probably pick up a few more tons before the snow flies. Good to see everyone ---Nailer---
25 bags for December for a total of 51 for the year. Mostly GS northeast blend (those are nearly gone). I did put 3-4 bags of Cleanfire 8800 (softies) in the P43 when the wind was howling and the lows were in the negative numbers. Also raised the set temp for the basement stove as the garage was getting in the mid 30's (basement and garage share a wall, so some heat gets transferred).
89 bags for the season 38 bags for January - which seems a bit high to me, but maybe I am just blanking out how many time's I've had to fill the P61a from the cr*ppy GS Midwest HW pellets the HD sent me last spring (I'm usually okay with any GS pellets, but don't like these).
Burned 4 for February, Which is exactly half the pellet stash(155 bags) and switched to oil. Need to get the tank emptied so we can get it removed. Will switch back to pellets when gone!
I used 39 bags for February, making my total for the season 129. Once the wind and cold weather really hit, I've been using the P43 almost exclusively for heating the main floor. I have leapfrogged way past my usage of last year to this point, which was 91 bags at this point last season, but still a couple of bags below the usage for 22/23 season.