Congrats on reaching ten cords! That's a lot of wood for one guy and a splitter working a side hustle. You are one of the few working firewood pretty much year round. I respect your work ethic.
Forget to post this pic. One of my typical half cord racks made from reclaimed 2x4, 2x6, 5/4x6 decking. Stack is 6' long by 4' high and double rowed. I had unloaded some already.
Great job Brad, you are without a doubt the top individual seller in the Northeast and provide a lot of inspiration to us Yankees in the southern states. Quality matters.
First sale of the season. New regular from last year called earlier this week. Her first half cord load went yesterday. I'm not going to advertise any BL this year and with my current stashes available it may be the last year for volume sales other than some original regulars.
Thought of you Brad when I bought these 2 bins of locust. Couldn't pass them up at $22.50 each. Nice and dry and cut to specs I like. 16". Thinking of just keeping them for me and not to sell.
Sweet! Nice stuff. The load pictured was clean up wood from 2020. I CSS three years ago. An area of my wood storage is now inaccessable as the ground is too wet. I can only get in there if there's been an extended dry spell or if its frozen. Two things that seldom happen around here any more. I've pulled another half cord forward and stacked as its been very dry as of late. Still have maybe give or take seven cords back there including a couple cords of rounds from two years ago still unsplit. I was hoarding up a storm with BL and had no where to put it at the time.
Second half cord went this morning. Chuckled at the road the customer lives on. The BL stack before todays load. Maybe 4.5 cords there. Moved some old BL forward at my main storage and stacked. (front stack...half cord) It will get sold by years end. I have more to relocate.
I may be buying a new to me PU. Found the EXACT same truck...year and cooler too with a cap and ladder racks that's super clean. 121K miles. Looks like it was a fleet utility vehicle like this one was. I kinda hate switching between "careers" when I go from normal work to firewooding. Halloween it will be seven years since I got this one and my intent was to get seven years out of it. My usual MO is to run them until they die.
Half cord load of barkless went to a regular today. He'll get another half cord by weeks end and will take another cord this burning season.
Last regular texted the other day. First load went today. Second half cord going tomorrow. He usually buys three cords over the course of the Winter. I texted and called another BL regular who's bought from me for three years now and nothing. Leaves me wondering.