Weather balloon? I think meteorologists release them to measure atmospheric conditions. Dunno. Glad to see it doesn't have Chinese writing!
Well that is wacky. Looks like it was radio controlled with that servo that appears that it would open up that compartment. Very interesting. I am curious what you find out about it.
My guess is some kind of weather related instrument. Reach out to your local NOAA branch. Although, seems unlikely they wouldn't have tried to retrieve it.
I would lean towards this thought as well. You would think it would have a tracking device of some kind , they have the apple air tags that are tiny so you would think with all the technology out there it would have something. If it does have tracking you will know when the FBI shows up at your door.
It is a high altitude weather balloon, it rises up until the balloon pops the falls back to earth by parachute. There is a payload or transmitting device that is released for data collection.
Fu-Go balloon bomb I live near the Connecticut flyers club. Huge field where they can fly remote controlled planes. When cutting in my woods I have found crashed model planes. One was this 6' jet plane mostly intact that I brought back to them. They can only fly on odd numbered calender days due to noise restrictions. When I hear them I know the date.
I didn’t know weather balloons were still a thing. I figured technology had made them long obsolete. My dad was a private pilot when I was young. Once when we were out flying locally, he spotted a grounded weather balloon. He made a mental note of its location and after we landed we went and retrieved it. If I recall correctly, the part that contained the recorded data was a weatherproof box of sorts that had a postage paid address on it so you could return it. I remember getting to keep the other stuff. Broken balloon, parachute, a ratcheting mechanism, and the synthetic cord. It was a pretty cool thing for a young boy ( I was probably 8-10 ish) Dad knew right away what it was when he spotted it from the air. Seems like maybe he had found one or two before. anyway, thanks for the trip down memory lane
I agree, looks like some sort of weather balloon. I found something similar, though not quite as complex when I was a kid. I’m 61 now so technology has advanced a bit. The one I found had instructions inside that said to take it to a post office and they would get it sent back to the proper folks. Really made a kid feel like he was doing something important
Have you noticed any guys in black suits wandering around the woods? If you do don't look at the pen.