I bought the old school XP on a whim and was told after the fact by resident Husky enthusiast The Wood Wolverine that it's much preferred to the newer XT series.
I'm finding it to be a wash dependent upon ergo preferences and whether or not longer bars will be employed. If I have one, it will wear 20 & 24. Universally agreed I think that the OE is preferred to modify.
Again from what I’ve heard, the XP is the better choice. I have a 371XP and it pulls a 24” just fine.
Good Info, thanks! The net gurus seem to confirm that the strat version did gain torque across the rev range. The XP revs higher though and wins on the top end. (13,500 vs 13,200) I got an 80cc for the 28 bar.
I’m a fan of the non-xtorq. I like the high revving screamer aspect. I’m also not fond of messing with the xtorq bullspit when working on them. 372xp pre-xtorq vs. 372xp xtorq
Didn’t really gain torque per se, it just doesn’t have the hp and as such, the torque curve is flatter. Either way, the original XP version still has decent torque for longer bars. And the original has a lighter piston which will help the crank and bearings last about 3 times longer. If I were in the mindset to buy a new one, I would get a hold of Paveen Raj In the Facebook groups (Night Rogue on OPE, Robin Wood on AS) and have him send you a brand new OE XP for $950 shipped from the Philippines. 100% trustworthy individual
Neither. I'd buy a Stihl...038 magnum, 044, 462 come to mind at 72cc's There is a nice Mastermind ported 462 for sale in my area. $1200
I had an XT… Once I got the carb dialed in and swapped an unlimited coil on it and muffler modded it, it ran great. Knowing what I know now, I would get an XP, but if the price was right, I wouldn’t hesitate to own an XT again.
Not really my connection. Just a guy that sells older model saws and I heard of him 15 years ago on AS
That's what's going on. I am attempting to make a trade with him. (no idea what I might be getting into with shipping) Just looking to make sure that the OE is desired at or above the XT. Never had the chance to run the older version. I like my XT, so if the OE is preferred I should like it mo betta. Peekaboo!
That would be a tough one, as I like the 7900 the best out of the 3. For what it’s worth, not certain about on the forums, but that saw would probably sell in a day for $1200 in the Facebook chainsaw groups if you’re in there at all.